Pastor's Corner

Consecrated Life: A Gift to the Church

Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015 as a special Year dedicated to Consecrated Life. It also marks the 50th anniversary of Perfectae Caritatis, the Vatican II decree on the renewal of religious life. On this Trinity Sunday, we praise the God of Love: present to us as creating and loving Father; as Jesus, the Incarnate Word, the Son; and as the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, God’s indwelling presence.

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Sacramental Living - One in the Spirit

Today, the Church celebrates its “birthday” with the feast of Pentecost.  It is a scene of great drama – rushing wind, tongues of fire, the uttering of many languages. It is also a scene of inner transformation: timid disciples empowered to speak boldly, in a way that no matter what the religious, cultural, and linguistic differences, each hears the message in a language they can understand.

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Letting Go…And Letting God

Transitions are difficult moments in our lives. When we come to the end of something in our life, we face the challenge of letting go of what is familiar, of plunging into the unknown. Letting go is hard. At the same time, beginning again is hard, even when the new reality is something to which we've been looking forward for a long time. Yet as anyone who has worked their way through a 12-step recovery program knows, there is no other way: all we can do is “let go and let God”, and live life “one day at a time!”

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Mary, Mother of the Church

So much is happening in our community! Liturgically, it is the sixth Sunday of Easter, and our readings are rich with the promise of Pentecost. We see the Holy Spirit descending upon Cornelius and his family, confirming the mission of the apostles to “all the nations”; and Jesus teaches his disciples a “new” commandment, inviting them to “love one another, just as I have loved you.” This weekend, we joyfully welcome 24 children to the Lord’s table as they celebrate their First Holy Communion.

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Eucharist - Living in Jesus Who Lives in Us

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus invites us to “abide in his love.” “Abiding” is a wonderfully evocative Biblical word: it means “to remain”, “to dwell”, “to draw life”, “to be at home with.” Keeping Jesus’ commandments is not just observing some set of external rules, fearful that we will be punished if we disobey.

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