Letting Go…And Letting God

 - May 14, 2015


Transitions are difficult moments in our lives. When we come to the end of something in our life, we face the challenge of letting go of what is familiar, of plunging into the unknown. Letting go is hard. At the same time, beginning again is hard, even when the new reality is something to which we've been looking forward for a long time. Yet as anyone who has worked their way through a 12-step recovery program knows, there is no other way: all we can do is “let go and let God”, and live life “one day at a time!”

A few years ago, we went through an important transition in the history of our parish: in anticipation of our major hall renovation, we had to go through a painful process of “de-cluttering”. Believe me, there was a lot of “letting go” involved! It’s amazing how much “stuff” we accumulate over the years, the kinds of emotional attachments we form to it, and the difficulty we have giving away or disposing of things, even when not used in years. And yet, we have to let go of the old in order to make space for the new.

Today’s feast of the Ascension is both about letting go and the promise of new beginnings. One story comes to a close: the Gospel, the time in which Jesus is present and visible to his followers in the flesh. Immediately, another story begins: the Acts of the Apostles, the initiation of the realm of the Spirit. The principle of continuity between the two stories is Jesus, who promises to be present to his disciples forever: “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of time.” The difference lies in the form of his presence: henceforth, the followers of Jesus must discern his presence in the world through his empowering Spirit.

As our young people receive this weekend the sacrament of Confirmation, as our entire community awaits a new outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our Pentecost celebrations next Sunday, let us pray for the grace to be truly open to a fresh experience of the Spirit’s power to transform our lives. As Spirit-filled witnesses, let us rise to the challenge of embracing Christ’s call to go forth and transform the world.