Pastor's Corner

Stewards of God’s Gifts (Part 4) – An Attitude of Gratitude

With the exception of Christmas, no other holiday conjures up the image of family life as does Thanksgiving. Mother, father, children – perhaps grandparents and a few uncles and aunts as well – gathered around a table, sharing the traditional turkey and pumpkin pie, thanking God for his bountiful generosity: for food on the table, for love around the table. If only it were such for all families!

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Stewardship of God's Gifts - Part 3: Our Treasure

Things are starting up in a big way at St. Monica’s! Two weeks ago, Brent Walker led an inspiring retreat day, inviting us to embrace our mission to live as “people of the Way.” Last weekend, we began a new year of Faith First, welcoming back the children, sharing with the whole community the many ways in which we as adults can grow and deepen our faith through the coming year.

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Stewards of God’s Manifold Gifts – Part 2: Our Time

As I sit writing this reflection, Pope Francis is on the lawn of the White House in Washington D.C., addressing President Obama and the American people on some of the major challenges facing North American society.  He invites us to be good stewards of the earth, “our common home”; to defend and promote authentic religious liberty; and to cultivate solidarity and integral human development, so that the freedom and dignity of all God’s children may be honoured and respected. 

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Stewards of God’s Manifold Gifts – Part 1: Our Talents

Things are happening at St. Monica’s! Two weeks ago, we unveiled our new banner and presented our theme for the upcoming pastoral year: OUR MISSION – SENT FORTH TO LIVE AND PROCLAIM GOD’S MERCY. Last weekend, as we celebrated our “Welcome Back” Sunday with coffee, muffins, hot dogs and lemonade after each Mass, Brent Walker preached an inspiring homily, calling us to ponder our response to Jesus’ question “Who do you say that I am?”, and inviting us to come away for a retreat day in which we “put ourselves in the Way of God’s love.” What a great way to begin our new pastoral year!

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Living Faith: Expressed in Works

In today’s second reading, the apostle James challenges us to express our faith through works. He stresses the “corporal works of mercy”: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, welcoming the stranger. Without such concrete action, “faith by itself, without works, is dead.” Strong and uncompromising words, which echo Jesus’ invitation in the Gospel to take up our cross each day and follow him!

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