Pastoral Team

The Pastoral Team is made up of the priests, deacons, and lay staff members serving St. Monica’s Parish on a full-time or part-time basis. As our name suggests, we are the primary pastoral caregivers serving the community of St. Monica’s. In communion with our Archbishop Christian Lepine, our episcopal vicar Bishop Thomas Dowd, and the Catholic Church of the diocese of Montreal. Iin fidelity to our parish mission statement, and with one another as a collaborative team, we seek to identify, coordinate, and release the gifts of all members of the parish for the sake of the mission. We do so that St. Monica’s Parish will continue to grow strong as a welcoming faith community, to promote a vibrant liturgical life, to provide opportunities for spiritual and human development, to outreach to the poor and needy in our midst, and to foster the building of the Kingdom of God. We minister to the diverse needs of St. Monica’s parishioners in close collaboration with the Wardens, Pastoral Council, and the different ministry groups within the parish.

Fr. Jaison Joseph​

Fr. Raymond Lafontaine ​

Anna Diodati
Pastoral Associate (Retired)

Jennie Parsons-Armstrong
Parish Catechetical Leader

Mark Boyer
Music Ministry Director

Francisco Sierra
Caretaker and Maintenance

Gina Yee
Administrative Secretary