Pastor's Corner

Catholic Funerals: A Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks to his disciples “about the end which is to come.” Two weeks ago, we welcomed the families and loved ones of our parishioners who have died in the last year, remembering them and surrounding them with the prayer of the Church.

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The Widow’s Mite: A Model of Stewardship

In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus praises the generosity of a widow whose gift, though small in monetary value, was of immense spiritual value. Although grieving a painful loss – one which left her both humanly and financially vulnerable – she still found it in her heart to be generous in supporting her community. What a wonderful steward she was!

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Stewards of Time, Talent, and Treasure: In Life and Death

Hallowe’en. All Saints’ Day. All Souls’ Day. As November reveals the signs of death in nature, so too it invites us to reflect on our own mortality, finitude, and vulnerability. Our Catholic faith takes death seriously. But it also teaches us that death is not the final answer. For Christians, death is not the end, but the final transition: it is the movement from the realm of time into eternity, from the imperfect vision of this world to the encounter with God “face to face”.

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Our Commitment - Stewards of Time, Talent, and Treasure

Over the past few weeks, we have reflected on the spirituality of stewardship from many different angles. We have listened as Marcelle, Iain and Simon gave witness to the way in which they share their time, talent, and treasure with our faith community. This week, we are all invited to commit ourselves anew to the support of our parish, by reading and praying over the commitment card placed in this week’s bulletin, and by returning it next week.

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Stewards of God’s Gifts (Part 5) – The Gift of Families

This coming Wednesday (October 21) at 7:00 p.m., we will have a panel discussion entitled “Families Reaching Out to Families: A Conversation about Family Life.”  I am grateful that my friends Cathie and Tony, Claire, Corey and Cathy, and Corey-Anne and Cal, who represent a diversity of family configurations, will enter into dialogue with us about where they meet God in their family, why belonging to the church is important to their family, and what we as church can do to reach out with greater sensitivity to people in their life situation

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