Pastor's Corner

Transformed by the Holy Spirit

Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring diverse ways in which we as adults are being called to growth in faith and transformation in the Holy Spirit.  This week, I would like to highlight two programs that will begin here at St. Monica's this November.  Both are connected to being attentive to how the Spirit is at work in our lives: our personal lives as individuals and families, and our collective life as a church community

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Video Divina: Stories of Transformation

Over the past 15 years, I have enjoyed integrating my love of movies with the challenges of the “New Evangelization”. In our yearly Video Divina film series, we have explored a wide variety of theological, spiritual and ethical themes through the medium of film: Catholic Identity, “Saints Alive!”, Heroes of Conscience, Images of Priesthood, Focusing on the Family, Jesus-Films and Christ-Figures, The Sacramental Imagination, and “Movies with a Mission!”

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Transformed by the Holy Spirit: Coffee and Conversation – The Wild Goose

A perennial question we ask here at St. Monica’s is: “How can we reach out more effectively to the spiritual needs of the parents and families of our Faith First children?” In response, for several years now, Anna Diodati and Monika Berintan have been animating “Coffee and Conversation”, which meets every second Sunday, between the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mass. This year’s program will make use of a video series by Franciscan Father Dave Pivonka: “The Wild Goose”, an ancient Celtic title for the Holy Spirit! Let’s hear from Fr. Dave:

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Thanksgiving: An Attitude of Gratitude

In this weekend’s Gospel, ten lepers experience healing from their encounter with Jesus, but only one comes back to give thanks. It is so easy to take God’s many gifts for granted! Our annual celebration of Thanksgiving is a reminder of how important it is, throughout the year, to cultivate an “attitude of gratitude” for all of God’s gifts: the gifts of creation, the produce of the earth, the fruits of human labour, and most of all, our families and friends, our neighbours both near and far, the people in whom we meet God’s image and likeness.

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Catechetical Sunday: We Are Transformed by the Holy Spirit

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) In these words, Jesus promises the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who are open to his transforming love. This week, as we welcome back our children and their families for a new season of faith formation, we are grateful for all those witnesses who evangelize by passing on the Catholic faith to a new generation of believers.

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