Christmas – Welcoming Unconditional Love

 - December 21, 2017


I think we all believe in God in our own way.
Or want to. Or need to. Only so many of us are afraid to.
Unconditional love is pretty terrifying.
We don’t think we deserve it. It’s human nature to run.
But God always finds us. God never gives up.
I used to think that’s what other people were for.
Lovers, friends, family. But I had it all wrong.
Other people are as imperfect and as frightened as we are.
We love, but not unconditionally.
Only God is unconditional love, and he doesn’t force us to love Him back.
He’s very big about it. I have a lot of reservations about God.
What intelligent, caring person doesn’t lately?
But the way I see it, God doesn’t have any reservations about me.
It’s very one-sided. It’s unconditional.
Besides, He’s God. I’m not. (Terrence McNally, Love! Valor! Compassion!)

Indeed, the gift of unconditional love is difficult for us to conceive. Yet this is exactly what is offered to us each year at Christmas. In the mystery of the Incarnation, God embraces our humanity, takes on our very flesh in Jesus. This may literally sound “too good to be true”. Yet true it is. In our darkness, our fear, our disappointments, God comes close to us. He shares our life, our dreams, our sorrows, our tears. Jesus comes as a tiny baby, poor and vulnerable, so that we might know God who is close to us in our own needs. As we welcome Jesus, we receive the one who allows us to share in the riches of God’s infinite love.

In the name of the pastoral team, the parish staff, the wardens and pastoral council, and all of us here at St. Monica’s, we wish to you and your families a joyful Christmas, a happy and holy New Year. As we welcome friends and family in this season into our hearts and homes, as we reach out to the poor and needy in our midst, let us remember that we also welcome Christ, the gift of the Father’s unconditional love. Together, may we bear common witness, in word and deed, to the Christmas message of “Peace on earth and good will to all!”

Father Raymond Lafontaine, Pastor