Render unto God What Is God’s

 - October 22, 2017


Last Saturday, we were privileged to offer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, and special prayers for healing, to many members of our parish community. In the liturgy, Fr. Lloyd reminded us that all of us, in one way or another, are in need of healing – be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Christ reaches out and touches us often especially where we are most wounded, and this allows us to minister to others in their vulnerability. We count on the prayers of our sisters and brothers who are sick and homebound. They belong to us and are tremendous intercessors on behalf of the many needs of the parish. We are also grateful for the many pastoral home care volunteers who share their time and compassion with these precious members of our community. They bring comfort and friendship, prayer and the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist. We are grateful for the witness they offer and the comfort they bring

In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” We all have family, social, and financial responsibilities that need to be met. But all of us, no matter what our circumstances or limitations, can return something to God for his goodness to us. Last week, Sr. Beverley shared with us the gratitude of the Al-Rayes family for the welcome they have received in our midst. Our food pantry volunteers continue to reach out to those in need of food security and family support. We have launched our various adult faith initiatives: Video Divina, the faith-sharing groups, “Catholicism: The Pivotal Players”, our book study on “Jesus: Fully Human, Fully Divine”, and this Sunday morning, the Oremus video series on A Guide to Catholic Prayer.

Our faith is a gift we can sometimes take for granted, and perhaps our knowledge and living out of that gift has not progressed as it might. Together, let us embrace these opportunities to know and love better the treasure that is ours in the Catholic faith. Then we will truly “render unto God what is God’s.”