Journey to Resurrection: We Are Called to Change

Guest - March 20, 2021


How comfortable we are in our own little world, our own secure space, with familiar routines and like-minded people. A “Please Do Not Disturb” sign written boldly for all to heed.  God does not want us to remain in our comfortable pew.  He challenges us to change, which leads to growth, which leads to a better understanding of God’s plans for us, for his people and for all creation.

To change is probably one of the most difficult things asked of us, and the hardest to achieve. We do not feel confident stepping outside the proverbial box.  Why would we want to change? Maybe because life is a journey, and if we don’t change, we won’t move forward on the Journey to Resurrection. Maybe without change, we cannot reach the full potential which God sees in us. Maybe without change, we are not answering the call of Jesus to follow him more closely.

It is not possible to achieve change overnight. We should not even entertain the idea that it is.  Change is a lifetime challenge, and we are in need of God’s grace to enable us to move forward.

God in his infinite love and compassion desires justice, freedom and dignity for his children.  God desires respect and care for the earth, his fragile creation.  God desires that we take responsibility for the voiceless. Let us also desire what God desires. Let us endeavour to change in ways that will bring about these desires.

Think about changes you can personally implement to improve the environment.  These changes may demand a little work but we need to seriously care for our “Common Home.”  Think about changing from complacency to action.  Walk in a peaceful march for human rights or climate change.  Sign a petition or write a letter for just causes when the occasion arises.  Think about changing to include caring for others whenever and wherever there is a need.  Have the courage to speak out when someone is condescending towards others.

These are a few simple actions that may lead to bigger more difficult changes. With change, we become aware of the message our faith has called us to throughout scriptures, that we are called to be the keepers of our brothers and sisters, and that creation is a gift to be protected.

The reflections of the last five weeks have been a simple start on the Journey to Resurrection. Hopefully, we will continue to search for and then implement ways to deepen our commitment to “Our Calling.”


Joshua 1: 9

Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.

Jeremiah 2: 7

I brought you into a fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce.  But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable.

Proverbs 31: 8-9

Open the mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.


Sharon Di Fruscia