Catechetical Sunday: We Are Transformed by the Holy Spirit

 - September 21, 2016


"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) In these words, Jesus promises the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who are open to his transforming love. This week, as we welcome back our children and their families for a new season of faith formation, we are grateful for all those witnesses who evangelize by passing on the Catholic faith to a new generation of believers. For parents and grandparents, the first and most important teachers of their children in the ways of faith; but also for pastors, catechetical leaders, volunteer catechists, youth group leaders, and all who in various ways form our young people, and help them grow in their knowledge and love of the Lord. We are also grateful for those who support this ministry by their prayers, and through their generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Obviously, growth in faith is not only for children! Anna Diodati and her team have been hard at work planning what promises to be a stimulating and rewarding Catholic Adult Faith Education (CAFÉ!) series for this year, around the theme “Transformed by the Spirit.” So whether it’s ongoing programs like RCIA, Contemplative Prayer, Faith-Sharing Small Groups, Coffee and Conversation, or Video Divina; new courses on the History of Christianity and Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment Laudato Si’; or our many “one-off” day retreats and workshops on a variety of topics, there is something for everyone at St. Monica’s. Faith is not static, but dynamic! It needs to be nourished in order to grow. So please take home our CAFÉ brochure after Mass today and prayerfully consider how you are being called this year to growth in faith, to be transformed in and through the Holy Spirit.

Last week, we had a beautiful parish celebration of the ordination anniversaries of both Fr. Bertoli (65 years) and myself (25 years). We sincerely thank all those who attended, all those who offered gifts of one kind or another, the pastoral council and volunteers who prepared the festivities downstairs, and those who planned and participated in the beautiful liturgy. We are both very grateful for our combined 90 years of priesthood (61 at St. Monica’s!) and look forward to serving this community, along with our wonderful pastoral team, for many years to come!! As we embrace together the challenge of the “new evangelization”, let us renew our personal commitment to live as followers of Jesus, as members of his community of disciples. May we be transformed by the Holy Spirit, and so bear effective and joyful witness to the faith, hope and love which are ours in Christ.