40 Ways to Keep Lent

 - March 1, 2017


Right a wrong. Keep a promise. Count your blessings. Mend a quarrel. Spread Joy. Where there is no music, be the song. Find a forgotten friend. Attend Mass more frequently. Fast from gossip. Be humble in success, patient in hardship, hopeful in disappointment, generous in prosperity. Offer approval. See your problems as challenges, your challenges as blessings. Seek peace. Pray the Way of the Cross. Listen. Apologize if you are wrong. Think first of someone else. Take time and talk to your neighours. Give alms. Laugh a little. Laugh a little more. Say “Thanks!” Mean it. Read the Bible daily. Tender a compliment. Rejoice in the beauty and wonder of the Earth. Inspire hope in another. Be hopeful yourself. Plant a tree. Sponsor a just cause. Gladden the heart of a child. Make a new friend. Renew an old friendship. Keep a song in your heart. Sing it for someone. Take time to imagine. Do a job for nothing. Abstain from complaining. On Good Friday spend an hour alone; read Psalm 22.